Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Summer Nights - Looking Forward

Last night Jason and I had a great, normal night.

We both worked until 5:00.

I made dinner - pizza for him and feta turkey sliders for me.

We watched Person of Interest.

We went to the Apple Store to exchange something.

We went to Target to buy a wrench.

We went to our friends' townhouse to watch The Bachelorette.

We went home.

Jason went home.

Jason finished his washer/dryer project (for now at least).

I read.

I went to sleep.

The end.

Haha...just kidding. It's not the end. I of course have to give you at least a few pictures and a recipe. Duh...

I've been wanting an iPod Nano for a little while now. I had one that I used to run with, but around the time I got my first iPhone, my sister lost her iPod so I gave her mine. Then, last year, Jason bought me an iPod Shuffle to run with. I love it, but it doesn't hold a lot of music and I can't figure out how to select the music I want to listen to. Plus, I like the Nike+ app.

Lately, I've been using my iPhone to run because my shoes have the Nike+ sensor and I like to measure my distance, pace, etc. I'm not a fan of running with my phone though because I'm terrified of dropping it, I'm scared of sweating on it too much (that's one nasty form of liquid damage), and honestly, I hate holding it.

The solution to all of this: a new iPod Nano.

Yesterday I finally broke down and bought one (using Jason's Apple employee discount of course).

I told him I wanted red. I've always gone for the cute pink or green electronics, but I decided that red is my color right now. It's my main wedding color, it's the color of my lunchbox and tumbler, and it's the color of my purse. I've gotta match, right?
Poor Jason thought he'd done such a good job. He got me the pink nano because he knows I like pink. When I opened it, he realized his mistake, but I told him I'd keep the pink. I do like pink. But he insisted we go up to the Apple Store and exchange it for the red one. My man is so good to me...probably too good.

After the Apple Store, we ran to Target really quickly to buy a wrench. We've (well, he's) been trying to get the pedestals off of our new-to-us washer and dryer since they're too tall for me. We've both lived either on campus or in an apartment for the last five and eight years, so we don't have many tools. I was supposed to bring the one bolt he could get off Sunday night, but I forgot it (oopsies). He ended up finding the right tool anyway, and then we were on our way.

After Target, we headed to our friends' townhouse for Bachelorette night (the TV show, not the pre-wedding party). Last season, Jason was only home for Monday and Tuesday nights, so in order to see a lot of our friends, he partook in Bachelor night. He actually got really into it...well he got really into making fun of it :) This season, he's back full-time, but we've really become accustomed to Monday nights with friends. So last night, we showed up and per the usual, Jason was the only guy.
My friend Rachel took this pic and put it on Instagram.
Someone commented, "You taught a dude to watch this show? Nice!" That's my man :)
After The Bachelorette, we went home and went our separate ways. I've been really enjoying going to sleep before 11 p.m.

So...where are we on the checklist? We've got two pictures and we're missing a recipe.

As promised -

Feta Turkey Sliders:
  • 1 pkg. lean ground turkey
  • 1/4 c. feta cheese (I used garlic and herb crumbled feta)
  • 3 tbsp. Parmesan cheese
  • Italian seasoning to taste
  • Garlic powder to taste
  1. Place all ingredients in a medium size bowl. Mix everything together (I used my hands).
  2. Heat a skillet over medium-high heat.
  3. Spray skillet with nonstick cooking spray.
  4. Form mixture into the size and shape burger you want (my first few were kind of thick, but my last ones were thinner and it was much easier to cook the thinner ones).
  5. Cook until all the way through. There should not be any pink in the middle. Flip them every few minutes.
  6. Sprinkle a little bit of feta cheese on top.
I didn't put mine on buns, but you definitely could! I just ate mine with a little bit of honey BBQ sauce and a sliced orange.

No more time for rambling, I've got to post this and get to my doctor appointment (more on that later).

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