Monday, June 18, 2012

Happy 50th!

As you all know, yesterday was Father's Day. I was so excited that Jason and I got the privilege of spending this Father's Day with Jason's dad. Although we had a great time, I missed my dad a lot.

My dad turns 50 in a couple of weeks (sorry Dad, secrets out). So, in honor of his upcoming birthday and Father's Day, I'm dedicating my 50th blog post to him!

My dad is such a trooper. He has three daughters and a wife. Sometimes a family of all girls will end up having some girly-girls and some kind of sporty-girls. Not my family...we're all girly.
My parents on Thanksgiving. My dad made the carrot cake from scratch!
My dad has spent thousands of hours shopping with us. He's spend hundreds of hours at dance recitals and competitions. He also randomly comes home with chocolate (good tip for any husband/father out there, come home with chocolate). My dad is from a family of four boys and one girl. All of the boys were very athletic and they love sports! I played soccer in elementary school and then hung up my cleats for point shoes. Carlee and Julia took a brief swing at softball, but again, they traded in their bats for jazz booties, sparkly outfits, and even some voice lessons for theater.
The night Jason and I got engaged. My dad getting in on the conversation.
But, my dad and I do have a special connection - college football. Alongside all of the many hours my dad has spent doing girly things, we've also logged a good bit of time watching college football together. My sisters don't get that into it, and sometimes my mom watches with us, but college football is something my dad and I have always watched together. Just thinking about this makes me wish that football season would hurry up and get here!

A few weeks ago a man who works near me brought his daughter to work. It was so cute to see them interact for an hour or two before the work day ended. I texted my dad and told him about it, and how I remember going to work with him as a child. I am so thankful for all of the memories that we have shared, and will share in the future.

To sum it all up, my dad is a blessing. He has shown me such an wonderful example of what it looks like to be a serving husband who reveres the Lord and loves well. He's shown me what it means to be a gentle dad who can lead a family through humble leadership. He's shown me what it means to be a servant and a provider for a family. He's shown me what it looks like to sacrifice for your children, to go cling to the gospel of Jesus Christ, to always pray first, and to live a life that consistently demonstrates God's love to everyone (even when it's hard).

One of the ways I knew Jason was the guy for me is I thought about what our lives could look like down the road and what our (very) future children might say about him. I could imagine them saying things that are similar to what I say about my dad. They say that many times girls marry men who have similar qualities of their dad, and I sure do see so many reflections of my dad's character in Jason. I am blessed that both of the men who will lead me share the qualities that make them each indescribably wonderful.

I really wanted to put a picture of my dad and I when I bought my dress, but Jason reads my blog...Hey Jason!

As excited as I am about the wedding in September, I think that I am more excited that I get to start a life with a man who is a servant, a provider, self-sacrificing, gospel centered, always praying, and loving. When my dad gives me a way, I'm confident that he'll have no doubt that he's giving me away to a man very much like himself.

Anyway, Happy Father's Day, Dad (sorry this is a day late)!
My dad and I when I graduated for Samford. That was such an exciting day!
...and Roll Tide :)

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