Tuesday, October 9, 2012

A Blog Makeover and Health & Fitness Update

Lots of changes going on 'round here. 

Notice the new color scheme, the new name, and the all new look to my blog.

I'm a person who likes consistency. I'm learning lately that Jessica Morales is kind of a popular name, at least as far as social media is concerned. I have not been able to secure an email address, Twitter handle, Facebook url, or even Blogspot name with Jessica Morales (or Jessica S. Morales, or any sort of similar variation).

But nonetheless, I'm back. And I'm rambling. Even though I've changed the name of the blog to Mrs. Blogbacktome, I probably should have gone a step further and called it, "Mrs. Blogbacktome: The Rambler". Too long. Too wordy. Oh well. Maybe married Jessica is less of a rambler. I guess we'll find out soon.

Jason's Twitter handle and blog page is called "blogbacktome", so I decided to use (not steal, use) his idea for a sort of spinoff because, well, my husband is clever.

Now, onto my health and fitness update:

So, Weight Watchers doesn't work for me. And I'm learning that unless I completely cut out all sorts of carbs (fruit and whole grains included), I cannot find my way back down into my former jeans. To be honest, that realization stinks. But, I am going back to the doctor next month, and I'm not going to leave until we're able to tackle some sort of solution. Until then, I'm tracking everything I eat using myfitnesspal.com. I still have the paperwork that my doctor gave me back in the Spring about how much of everything I should be eating each day, and I've put that into the online food tracker. If nothing else, I figure that I can show the doctor what I'm eating at what time of day and maybe we can go from there (to see more about the plan the doctor gave me to follow, read this old post).

Our cruise did absolutely nothing positive for my eating habits. I was ready to get back in the swing of things last week, and then I ended up living off of soup and popsicles because I received the lovely gift of a sinus infection. So this week I came out of the gate strong.

Jason had to work late last night, and I was meeting some girls for froyo after he got off work, so we ate separately. I love cooking for Jason, but he's quite picky so I was sure to take advantage of being able to cook whatever I wanted/needed last night. I defrosted some frozen tilapia fillets the night before, so I threw those onto a skillet with some of Emril's fish rub and Parmesan cheese. After sauteing those babies up, I threw them on a bed of romaine lettuce with feta cheese and balsamic vinegar. It hit the spot and didn't fill me up quite all the way. Honestly, it was perfect because I didn't feel guilty about my froyo run with the ladies later.

Right now I've got a pot roast in the crock pot with potatoes and carrots. I really do love cooking in the fall.

Looks like that about wraps up my makeover and update post.

I've blogged to you...
Now you can blogbacktome.